Supplier Handbook

With our partner companies we are on equal level in planning and processing. This supplier handbook is intended to contribute to smooth processes between suppliers and NEPTUN WERFT and to minimize costs.

The supplier manual contains a wide range of topics that are important even before entering the shipyard, as well as important topics for working at the shipyard.

Here you will find important information and links to work safely and efficiently at the site.

Supplier Handbook (English)
PDF 853.1 KiB
Supplier Handbook (German)
PDF 854.7 KiB

Good to know

Employee registration & deregistration

The instructions of the "Registering employees" describe how access to the premises of NEPTUN WERFT GmbH & Co. KG is guaranteed. Here you will find all relevant information from the receipt of the short-term pass or permanent pass to the return.

The "All information about accessing the shipyard" describes the steps to be taken when applying and how to handle the shipyard pass. If detailed information, including data entry within the form, is required, we would ask you to select the instructions for a short-term or permanent ID card directly.

More information are in the area access to the shipyard.

Photography-prohibition and -permission

As a general rule, photography and filming with smartphones, cameras, etc. is prohibited throughout the shipyard and especially on our newbuildings. The same applies to the distribution of corresponding photos taken at the shipyard and on ships under construction.

Exceptions to the taking of photos/videos must be applied for by the respective supervisor of the MEYER Group and confirmed by MEYER PORT4.

The basic requirement for applying for a photography permit is possession of a shipyard ID card.

The photography permit can only be issued as a ticket by a corresponding manager or site manager of the MEYER Group via the shipyard's service portal. All photography permits issued before June 2024 lose their validity. The digital photography permit can be applied for a maximum of two years.

Please ensure that the form is completed in full, including confirmation of the data protection guidelines. Only correctly completed forms can be accepted and authorised.

By applying digitally via the MEYServicePortal, it will no longer be necessary in future to carry a printed photo permit.

Employees with a paper card can only obtain a day permit with an exemption authorisation using a corresponding form (download here). The completed form must be sent to

As part of the MEYER Group's data protection measures, the photographs must be protected against unauthorised or unlawful processing by third parties and may only be passed on to those persons who are entrusted with the performance of the relevant services.

The photos may only be used for operational purposes. Any further publication is not permitted.
The MEYER Group has the right to have the photos deleted at any time, provided there is no statutory retention period to the contrary.

Smoking-, alcohol- and drug-prohibition

Smoking, alcohol and drug consumption is generally prohibited on the entire shipyard premises (including in vehicles). Individual sub-areas may be exempted from the general smoking ban; these areas are marked accordingly. It is prohibited to bring alcoholic beverages, drugs and other addictive substances to the site or to consume them there. It is prohibited to enter the yard in an intoxicated state. Exceptions require the prior written approval of the management.

Material import & export

All imports must be indicated by appropriate accompanying documents, e.g. delivery bill for goods, material/machine/tool list for machines, tools and other work equipment. The plant security is authorized to carry out appropriate checks. In the case of import of private property, prior notification to the plant security is required. Provided that a form, such as "Material-, Machine-, Tool-, Vehicle Inventory List" has been filled in at the time of import, the export of the declared items is still possible upon presentation of the form.

The export of material requires the written approval of an authorized person of the respective department of NEPTUN WERFT or of the outside company or shipyard supplier. Should there be any discrepancies between the information in the export application and the actual items to be exported, NEPTUN WERFT will consider this as attempted theft and will sanction this accordingly.

Special transports such as heavy transports, bulky goods and equipment must be coordinated with the responsible departments in good time.

Emergency- & Alarmplan

Any fire, accident or emergency must be reported immediately to the control center.Further information is contained in our brochure "Working Safely at the Shipyard", which can be found under company regulations.

Emergency Plan
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Safety-Order-Cleanliness (SOS)

For each new construction project, a person responsible for safety-order-cleanliness is to be appointed by the partner company. The name and telephone number of this person will be publicly posted on the “clock control boards” for each area.

Ship & yard

  • Escape and rescue routes are clear, restricted areas are observed
  • Tripping hazards are eliminated
  • Fall protection devices are installed by the yard in accordance with the regulations
  • Employees wear their appropriate personal protection equipment
  • During welding work, the employees use the extraction equipment
  • All areas of the shipyard and ships under construction are tidy and clearly structured


  • The materials brought on board should be kept to a minimum and should generally only cover the daily requirements
  • Fire doors can be closed – and are closed
  • Only minimal fireloads are present on board, unavoidable fire loads are covered with fire protection cloth
  • Waste is taken off board at breaks and at the end of the shift by the originating trades/partners

In case of non-compliance, the respective areas will be cleaned and materials as well as fire loads will have to be removed/covered at the expense of the partner company causing the fire. For this purpose, a one-time prior warning of the shipyard and the exceeding of the set deadline for the production of a safe and tidy condition (usually 24 hours) is sufficient. The warning shall be in written form.

Changing rooms, lockers, washrooms and social rooms

Employees of suppliers may use the canteen of NEPTUN WERFT, the use of all social rooms requires the express consent of the client. A daily flat rate per person will be charged for this. Registration for social rooms and lockers shall be made minimum 24 hours before start of work with the NEPTUN LOGISTICS (registrations for Mondays shall be made latest Fridays 12.00). The administration can be reached at the following e-mail address:

Parking areas

A parking lot with sufficient spaces is available for suppliers of NEPTUN WERFT. The parking areas can be seen in the map of the yard. Access to the parking lot at the shipyard site is via the street "An der Werft". Please allow some time, as the utilization of the parking lot and the streets varies differnetly. Parking is only permitted in marked parking areas. Vehicles parked outside these areas or in violation of the rules/endangering will be towed away for a fee. For two-wheelers (bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, etc.) separate parking areas are provided at all gates.

Shipyard Map (german)
PDF 3.1 MiB

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

The supplier must provide the necessary and suitable personal protective equipment for its workers. In addition, the work clothing must meet the requirements according to the supplier's own hazard analysis of the workplace and must be provided in sufficient quantity for the contractually advertised activity.

Contaminated clothing must be changed immediately and sent for appropriate cleaning or professional disposal.

Helmets and protective eyewear are mandatory in/on all production areas/objects, as well as the use of safety shoes and appropriate protective clothing.

If you have any questions, please contact the NEPTUN WERFT safety department.


Welding requirements

The work on cruise ships is complex and, in the special process of welding, dependent on many sets of rules, with regard to the components.

The supplier undertakes to check which welding requirements apply to the respective order before the start of the order and also to have all the necessary qualifications and experience in dealing with welding components and structures and to carry out the welding work professionally

General welding inspection and approval

The supplier agrees to report to the NEPTUN WERFT welding supervisor to clarify the welding requirements.

The welding supervisor of the client checks the prerequisite of the supplier and issues a release for the respective welding activities to be performed based on management systems, such as DIN EN ISO 3834, or manufacturer qualification, such as DIN EN 1090, Welding Workshop Approval of the classification society.

After approval, each employee of the supplier, who performs welding activities on the premises, receives a permit card, which is issued according to his welding qualification.

The permit card must be applied for from the NEPTUN WERFT welding supervisor prior to the start of the welding activities and must be permanently carried by the employee and presented upon request. Furthermore, the card retains its validity across orders.

Should the supplier subcontract the commissioned service or parts thereof in whole or in part to a third party, all welding requirements shall also apply to this third party. Further subcontracting by the sub-supplier to another sub-supplier (sub-subcontracting) is prohibited.

Pre-welding process

Supplier employees who perform welding activities on certain components at the shipyard must pass an additional manual skills test at the shipyard. The sample size of the manual skills tests is selected by the client's welding supervisor based on existing qualifications.

The testing of manual skills by means of work samples, the so-called pre-welding, is carried out on the premises of NEPTUN WERFT.

These work samples are then assessed by the NEPTUN WERFT welding supervisors. In case of failure, they may be repeated twice. If an employee fails the test three times, consultation between the welding supervisor of the contractor and the supplier is required.


The NEPTUN WERFT welding supervisor reserves the right to conduct a basic and detailed examination of the supplier in the form of an audit, prior to awarding the contract. The results and identified deviations will be recorded in the form of an audit report and communicated accordingly.

A period of time in which the deviations are to be remedied will also be indicated.

Employees of the supplier

Suppliers may only employ sufficiently qualified personnel in compliance with relevant legal and other regulations. In particular, suppliers shall comply with the legal provisions against illegal employment when fulfilling their contractual obligations. Young people who have not yet reached the age of 18 may only enter the shipyard for the purpose of apprenticeship, all other cases only with the prior approval of the management.

At the request of the client, appropriate qualification certificates for the personnel deployed must be submitted. Safety officers, first aiders and employees who have been instructed in the handling of hand-held fire extinguishers must be on site in sufficient numbers.

Basically, the personnel responsibility of his/her employees remains with the supplier!

Depending on the hazard potential of the services to be rendered, different safety, health and environmental protection (SHE)-certificates must be provided. The determination of the required certificates, related to the trades to be performed, can be requested from NEPTUN WERFT and will be determined during the tendering process. Any sub-suppliers used must also be able to provide evidence of the certificates required for their trade. The respective rules and guidelines of NEPTUN WERFT are also mandatory for sub-suppliers to the full extent. The supplier is obligated to instruct his sub-suppliers in writing regarding compliance prior to use. Sub-suppliers are not contractual partners of the client!

The client reserves the right to object to the use of the sub-supplier at any time if there are objective reasons and in order to protect legitimate interests.

Claiming (Damage, Defect, Delay)

Claims that you want to file against NEPTUN WERFT (incoming claims) must be reported within three working days. Send your request by e-mail to the technical responsible person AND to

Please note that failure to comply with these deadline requirements will usually result in rejection of the claim.

Notification of delivery and delivery of goods

A planned delivery by suppliers of e.g. materials shall be made informally in advance to the NEPTUN WERFT receiving department. All deliveries must be notified at least 48 hours in advance at the e-mail address In order to be prepared for special circumstances, e.g. to register a necessary crane for unloading and to receive the actual unloading address in advance, please use the notification form. For this purpose, an e-mail with all the necessary information for delivery should also be sent to the above e-mail address.

For customs goods, an e-mail with all necessary delivery information must be sent to the following e-mail address:

At NEPTUN WERFT we accept goods from Monday to Thursday between 06:15 and 13:30. On Friday the delivery closes at 11.45. Other times apply on holidays, weekends and during company vacations. If you want to deliver outside the regular opening hours, you can contact the following e-mail address to discuss further details:

Screening of suppliers before cooperation

Modern shipbuilding is all about teamwork, which means our success also depends on our suppliers. We like to get to know our partners beforehand to make sure our cooperation can get off to a flying start. That’s why our Supplier Management department will ask you to firstly provide general information about your company. You will also have to attach the relevant certificates and documents for your line of work. If everything is approved, you will then have to go through a qualification test process with all your future contacts at NEPTUN WERFT. This initial exchange of information can be quite time-consuming, but our partners are generally rewarded with long-term cooperation perspectives.


In principle, you can send your invoices by e-mail. The prerequisite is that you register in advance for digital invoice processing. To do this, send an e-mail to

The e-mail must contain the following information:

  • Company name,
  • company address,
  • Sales tax identification number or VAT number,
  • Bank details with IBAN and BIC,
  • Contact person for queries,
  • Your e-mail address for sending invoices
  • Please let us know which MEYER Group company you work for. If you work for different companies in our group, please make this registration separately for each company. The reason for this is that they are legally independent companies.

After we have entered your data, you will receive our supplier coordination by e-mail. Please enter all e-mail addresses that are suitable for sending invoices (please also note holiday replacements etc.). If e-mail addresses are to be added later, please contact the above-mentioned e-mail address. Invoices sent from an unauthorized e-mail address will be rejected by our system. After you have returned the agreement and received a confirmation from us, you can send your invoices to the corresponding invoice address.

To ensure that everything runs smoothly, please always send us your invoices in PDF format. Associated attachments must form a single PDF with the invoice. Please only send invoices and credit notes to our invoice receipt email address, other correspondence will not be processed and will be deleted.