Nick Biemann
Quality Assurance Coordinator
Angelina Penzenstadler
Quality Manager – Integrated Management System

Quality Management

Together, we aim to deliver high quality ships to our customers. All our actions deal with finding and eliminating deviations from our quality standards in our products and preventing them from recurring in the future.

The groups of quality management have their responsibility in different disciplines. The management systems department develops quality planning and assurance and ensures a continuous quality improvement. Quality assurance is responsible for conducting measurements and quality checks within the shipyard and with the shipping company and classification society. The Welding Supervision Department is responsible for the welding and bonding tasks for preliminary testing, planning, documentation, monitoring, measurement and quality correction.

NEPTUN WERFT employs a wide range of professionals in its Quality Management department.


“I always compare us to an anthill – everyone scurries around, everyone has their job, and then the ship is ultimately finished”.

Angelina Penzenstadler
Quality Manager – Integrated Management System


“We fully meet environmental standards – and we’re even setting new standards in some areas”.

Angelina Penzenstadler
Quality Manager – Integrated Management System


“NEPTUN WERFT is one of the major employers in the local area, and it makes me proud to work here”.

Angelina Penzenstadler
Quality Manager – Integrated Management System


“I was pretty much born to work at the shipyard. My father and uncle learned their trade here as well”.

Nick Biemann
Quality Assurance Coordinator


“Every day is a new challenge. I’m always in contact with various shipping companies, so I never get bored”.

Nick Biemann
Quality Assurance Coordinator


“NEPTUN WERFT means the world to me”.

Nick Biemann
Quality Assurance Coordinator

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